AMD Freight and Transport Pty Ltd

AMD Freight and Transport Pty Ltd

德班 – 南部非洲+ 27 0 74 904 9991Facebook
服务 > 物流,货运,运输,仓储, 控制论..
497 Crossings是一切
德班 (南部非洲) - 基希讷乌 (摩尔多瓦)德班 (南部非洲) - 加德满都 (尼泊尔)
德班 (南部非洲) - 鞍山 (中国, 渤海湾)德班 (南部非洲) - 阿拉木图 (哈萨克斯坦)
德班 (南部非洲) - 亚丁 (也门)德班 (南部非洲) - 阿尔伯克基 (美国, 中环)
德班 (南部非洲) - 阿什哈巴德 (土库曼斯坦)德班 (南部非洲) - 新加坡城市 (新加坡)
德班 (南部非洲) - 安山 (韩国)德班 (南部非洲) - 纳曼干 (乌兹别克斯坦)
德班 (南部非洲) - 千叶 (日本的)德班 (南部非洲) - 第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克 (乌克兰)
德班 (南部非洲) - 马累 (马尔代夫)德班 (南部非洲) - 乌兰巴托 (蒙古)
德班 (南部非洲) - 比什凯克 (吉尔吉斯斯坦)德班 (南部非洲) - 乔治城 (马来西亚)
德班 (南部非洲) - 帝力 (东帝汶)德班 (南部非洲) - 安托法加斯塔 (智利)
德班 (南部非洲) - 车里雅宾斯克 (俄罗斯)德班 (南部非洲) - 廷布 (不丹)
德班 (南部非洲) - 澳門 (澳门)德班 (南部非洲) - 香港 (香港)
德班 (南部非洲) - 曼谷 (泰国)德班 (南部非洲) - 贝伦 (巴西)
德班 (南部非洲) - 巴库 (阿塞拜疆)德班 (南部非洲) - 安阳 (中国, 其它地区)
德班 (南部非洲) - 巴哈瓦尔布尔 (巴基斯坦)德班 (南部非洲) - 科伦坡 (斯里兰卡)
德班 (南部非洲) - 赫尔辛基 (芬兰)德班 (南部非洲) - 拉萨 (西藏)
德班 (南部非洲) - 平壤 (北朝鲜)德班 (南部非洲) - 彰化市 (中华台北)
德班 (南部非洲) - 东莞 (中国,广东)德班 (南部非洲) - 戈梅利 (白俄罗斯)
德班 (南部非洲) - 安顺 (华南)德班 (南部非洲) - 埃里温 (亚美尼亚)
德班 (南部非洲) - 巴里萨尔 (孟加拉国)德班 (南部非洲) - 阿格拉 (印)
德班 (南部非洲) - 安庆 (中国, 上海关闭)德班 (南部非洲) - 第比利斯 (格鲁吉亚)
德班 (南部非洲) - 杜尚别 (塔吉克斯坦)

We offer a fast reliable comprehensive variety of customized innovative service solutions to all our clients with individual attention paid to suite their every need. Specializing in International Import & Export Customs Clearing Forwarding and Local Transportation (containerized/Break-bulk Cargo etc) from the Durban Harbour to surrounding areas. We work with and as part of a consortium of Clearing & Forwarding Agents, owner drivers and sub-contractors. In doing so this has made us very competitive yet versatile in terms of rates and services offered. A variety of well-established clearing agents and a large fleet of vehicles and equipment are readily available at our dispose creating more flexibility in planning and executing customs clearances & deliveries with ease. Apart from standard equipment we also have at our dispose side-lifters, low beds, cranes and other equipment. We also offer full/empty/reefer container storage, warehousing for unpacking and storage (bonded/free-store) and cold-storage. In doing so we are able to shop in house and around to compare rates and finally ensure that you, the client, experience an effortless, cost effective and reliable timeous service. We ensure that the correct vehicles are used to transport cargo as well as the correct methods and procedures are utilized with all customs clearances in accordance with the Road Traffic acts of South Africa and the rules and regulations of Customs & Excise Durban. Our working experience allows us to balance the needs of a client and the practical operations of our company through effective communication we will keep you posted on eta’s, delay, pickup and delivery times… Visit our website for more information. http://amdfreight.weebly.com/

About the company

AMD Freight and Transport Pty Ltd

Activity: Customs Clearing,Logistics,Transport,Warehousing

AMD Freight and Transport Pty Ltd

Referral Link
AMD Freight and Transport Pty Ltd